Cake Pops!
We made Lauren walk up the stairs and ACT surprised, hahah!

This last weekend was a busy one! It was my dad's birthday on Saturday and for years I have been trying to convince him to go to California Adventures for his birthday because he has never gone before. My plan at last came to fruition. Muaaa! Just kidding. We drove down to L.A late Thursday night and then spent all day at Disneyland and California Adventures. It was very uncrowded (so nice). Unfortunately Disneyland is definitely better in my childhood memories but getting to finally spend some quality family time was really nice. We stayed with our friends the Wiricks in Orange County. They are such an awesome family and we enjoyed every second of our time with them. On Saturday we went back to California Adventures for a couple hours and rode the rafting ride 3 times in a row. Sadly I must report that California Adventures is going to the dogs. They have eliminated my mom's favorite fountain, the Giant Orange, the cool metal sun on the ferris wheel, Mulholland Madness, and the Maliboomer. They are making it less California-y and more Disneylandish. Oh well.
After speeding home on Sunday I had exactly one hour to get ready for Lauren's surprise party that I was throwing. It turned out really well. It was a Super Hero themed dance party and I made all of Lauren's favorite desserts. The Funfetti Cupcake Cake Pops turned out super cute if I do say so myself! Unfortunately Lauren wasn't truly surprised...she said my texts inviting her to watch Batman were "too formal." Ok so maybe planning surprise parties is not my expertise, at least for people as "witty" (Wesley's words) as Lauren :)