Wednesday, July 21, 2010

An Eventful Weekend

My mom and I spent the weekend down in LA with our good friends the Bredbergs. We got to go to Burke Williams spa in Pasadena on Saturday. That was such a treat! It was like entering a whole new world. I felt a little out of place as I imagined what it would be like to float in indoor spas, get massages, and take endless showers on a regular basis. I'm sure it would loose its awe factor after a while though. We followed up our spa adventure with a trip to "21 Choices" which is the best frozen yogurt place on the planet. It's Yogurt Creations meets Coldstone. You choose from custom flavors and then they mix in whatever you want! I got strawberry shortcake flavor with pound cake and rainbow sprinkles mixed in-mmmmm.
The rest of the weekend we spent working and playing. There is always something exciting going on at the Bredberg house. For my mom and Kim working meant editing the book they are co-authoring about education and homeschooling and also working on marketing their website Collective Banter. It's basically facebook combined with the scholastic art and writing competition for artists, writers, and musicians. You can win money! They are all about advertising at the moment so here you go mom and Kim..... This is the link : Go check it out!
Working for me meant running lots of errands and talking to Kim about the book of my high school writing that she is going to publish. Woooohoo, I can't believe I am going to be a published writer. Pretty cool. Kim is always coming up with awesome ideas for me, but I never thought I would have my own book! She's going to use it to teach other high schoolers about the writing process. Now I have to write something for the forward and a blurb for each of the pieces. It's a little nerve racking to sit down and try to write something you know is going to be published!
Hannah and I had a great time hanging out, being totally dorky Twilight fans, and seeing the movie "Grown Ups" together. It was hysterical. I would highly recommend it along with Inception which was AMAZING.
Wow I have been promoting a lot in this post. Better give you a break. Tata for now
xoxox Evie

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