Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dear Mom & Dad

....It's Wednesday night and I ought to be reading for Sociology or sleeping but here I am writing. You are off in the wilderness hopefully having a blast, out of reach. It's pathetic how much I miss you. It's pathetic that tears are welling up in my eyes as I type this. Maybe it's just the stress of starting school and having to say goodbye to friends that has made this week especially emotional so far. I thought having you gone would help me feel more college-y but it has just made me realize I am going to have a tough time going away to college in the not-so-distant future. Most of my friends are excited to leave for school, to finally have some freedom and be on their own. I'm so happy at home. You guys are the BEST parents ever. Period. Thank you for being so wonderful, but I'm afraid you're gonna have to start doing something to annoy me so I will someday want to leave!
While I was in Tahoe I felt so at peace with life and so happy. But after being thrust back into the real world, life isn't so blissful. I've been looking through photo albums and wishing I was a carefree little kid again. I hate having to think about the future and big decisions. Dad-I know I am supposed to look at college/finding a career as an adventure but it is so hard for me sometimes. I am such a worrywart!
School started on Monday. I was signed up for a softball class but arrived to find it wasn't what I expected. The class is preparation for the season and I would have had to join a weight training class as well. I struggled with the decision of whether to drop the class. I wanted to ask you guys for advice but felt lame that I couldn't just make the decision on my own. I did in the end. I dropped it so I could have more free time, more time to study, to sew, to paint, and to visit friends on the weekends. Hopefully it was the right choice.
I know I will get back into the swing of school eventually. It has been amazing having Gretchen around, she is such a blessing in my life. Thanks for letting her live with us! Grandma is doing well, she told me she loved me tonight :) Well I'll just keep plugging away for now. Hopefully I'll get to the pile of laundry on the back porch soon. Can't wait till Sunday when you get home.
Evie Lou
p.s Wesley I miss you too!

1 comment:

  1. oh Evelyn! <3 I love your soul so much :]

    If you want, call me up anytime. I'm missing my mom and brother too, and with my dad gone at work all day, I feel alone at home as well. At least you have your grandma and homework to distract you a bit.

    Can't wait to see you tonight! Thanks to Gretchen for letting that happen :]
